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Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Is intra-operative ultrasound stil useful for the detection of a hepatic tumor in the era of modern pre-operative imaging

D’Hondt M, Vandenbroucke-Menu F, Préville-Ratelle S, Turcotte S, Chagnon M, Plasse M, Létourneau R, Dagenais M, Roy A, Lapointe R

HPB (oxford) 2011. Sep;13(9):665-9


Postsurgery activation of dormant liver micrometastasis: a case report and review of literature.

Deylgat B, Van Rooy F, Vansteenkiste F, Devriendt D, George C.

J Gastrointest Cancer. 2011 Mar;42(1):1-4. doi: 10.1007/s12029-010-9182-8. Review.


Indications, safety and feasibility of conversion of failed bariatric surgery to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a retrospective comparative study with primary laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

B. Deylgat, M. D’Hondt, H. Pottel, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, D. Devriendt,

Surg Endosc 2012 Jan 19; (Epub ahead of print)


Randomized clinical trial on the influence of anesthesia protocol on intestinal motility during laparoscopic surgery requiring small bowel anastomosis.

De Corte W, Delrue H, Vanfleteren LJ, Dutré PE, Pottel H, Devriendt DK, Van Rooy FH, D'Hondt M, Carlier S, Desmet MB.

Br J Surg. 2012 Nov;99(11):1524-9. doi: 10.1002/bjs.8883. Epub 2012 Sep 21.


Carcinoma of the gallbladder: patterns of presentation, prognostic factors and survival rate. An 11-year single centre experience.

M D’Hondt, R Lapointe, Z Benamira, H Pottel, M Plasse, L Letourneau, A Roy, M Dagenais, F Vandenbroucke-Menu

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Jun;39(6):548-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2013.02.010. Epub 2013 Mar 21.


Technical note: Transvaginally pure NOTES sigmoid resection using a single port device.

M D’Hondt, D Devriendt, F Van Rooy, F Vansteenkiste, E Dozois

Tech Coloproctol. 2013 Apr 6. [Epub ahead of print]


Value of preoperative esophagogastroduodenoscopy in morbidly obese patients undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

M. D’Hondt, M. Steverlynck, H. Pottel, A. Elewaut, C. George, F. Vansteenkiste,

F. Van Rooy, D. Devriendt

Acta Chir Belg. 2013 Jul-Aug;113(4):249-53.


SILS Sigmoidectomy Versus Multiport Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy for Diverticulitis

D'Hondt M, Pottel H, Devriendt D, Van Rooy F, Vansteenkiste F, Van Ooteghem B, De Corte W.

JSLS 2014 Jul-Sept; 18(3) e2014.00319


Preoperatieve chemotherapie vóór de resectie van colorectale levermetastasen: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?  

L. Carlier, F. Vansteenkiste, M. D’Hondt

Tijdschr. voor Geneeskunde, 70(24): 1451 – 1458


Transanal endoscopic total mesorectal excision: technical aspects of approaching the mesorectal plane from below—a preliminary report

J. J. Knol, M. D’Hondt, G. Souverijns, B. Heald, G. Vangertruyden

Tech Coloproctol. 2015 Apr;19(4):221-9. doi: 10.1007/s10151-015-1275-8. Epub 2015 Feb 22


Laparoscopic parenchymal preserving hepatic resections in semiprone position for tumors located in the posterosuperior segments.

D'Hondt M, Yoshihara E, Vansteenkiste F, Steelant PJ, Van Ooteghem B, Pottel H, Devriendt D, Van Rooy F.

Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016 Mar;401(2):255-262.


Combined Minimal Invasive Transdiaphragmatic Resections of Peripheral Colorectal Lung Metastases in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Liver Resections.

Lerut P, Nuytens F, D'Hondt M.

Ann Surg Oncol. 2016 Jun 14. (Epub ahead of print)


The practice of laparoscopic liver surgery in Belgium: a national survey.

Tomassini F, Scuderi V, Berardi G, Dili A, D'Hondt M, Sergeant G, Hubert C, Huysentruyt F, Berrevoet F, Lucidi V, Troisi RI.

Acta Chir Belg. 2016 Aug 19:1-6


Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision: International Registry Results of the First 720 Cases.

Penna M, Hompes R, Arnold S, ….D’Hondt M, …TaTME Registry Collaborative..

Ann Surg. 2016 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print]


Central Venous Pressure Drop After Hypovolemic Phlebotomy is a Strong Independent Predictor of Intraoperative Blood Loss During Liver Resection.

Ryckx A, Christiaens C, Clarysse M, Vansteenkiste F, Steelant PJ, Sergeant G, Parmentier I, Pottel H, D'Hondt M.

Ann Surg Oncol. 2017 Jan 4. doi: 10.1245/s10434-016-5737-7


Transanal Endoscopic Operation for Benign Rectal Lesions and T1 Carcinoma.

D'Hondt M, Yoshihara E, Dedrye L, Vindevoghel K, Nuytens F, Pottel H.

JSLS. 2017 Jan-Mar;21(1). pii: e2016.00093. doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2016.00093


Totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair using a self-expanding nitinol framed hernia repair device: A prospective case series.

D'Hondt M, Nuytens F, Yoshihara E, Adriaens E, Vansteenkiste F, Pottel H.

Int J Surg. 2017 Feb 28;40:139-144. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2017.02.091.


The interval approach: an adaptation of the liver-first approach to treat synchronous liver metastases from rectal cancer.

D'Hondt M, Lucidi V, Vermeiren K, Van Den Bossche B, Donckier V, Sergeant G.

World J Surg Oncol. 2017 Mar 2;15(1):54. doi: 10.1186/s12957-017-1123-6


Sacral neurostimulation for low anterior resection syndrome after radical resection for rectal cancer: evaluation of treatment with the LARS score.

D'Hondt M, Nuytens F, Kinget L, Decaestecker M, Borgers B, Parmentier I.

Tech Coloproctol. 2017 Apr 27. doi: 10.1007/s10151-017-1612-1.


Chronic refractory constipation due to neurogenic bowel dysfunction can be successfully treated by sacral neurostimulation.

Nuytens F, D'Hondt M.

Acta Chir Belg. 2017 May 3:1-4. doi: 10.1080/00015458.2017.1321267


Conversion for Unfavorable Intraoperative Events Results in Significantly Worst Outcomes During Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Lessons Learned From a Multicenter Review of 2861 Cases.

Halls MC, Cipriani F, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Alzoubi M, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Hilal MA.

Ann Surg. 2017 Jun 2. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002332. [Epub ahead of print]


Laparosocpic versus open parenchymal preserving liver resections in the posterosuperior segments: a case-matched study.

D'Hondt M, Tamby E, Boscart I, Turcotte S, Parmentier I, Pottel H, Lapointe R, Ovaere S, Vansteenkiste F, Vandenbroucke-Menu F. Surg Endosc. Mar;32(3):1478-1485. doi: 10.1007/s00464-017-5835-z. Epub 2017 Sep 15.


Are the current difficulty scores for laparoscopic liver surgery telling the whole story? An international survey and recommendations for the future.

Halls MC, Cherqui D, Taylor MA, Primrose JN, … D’Hondt M, …Abu Hilal M; Collaborators of The Difficulty of Laparoscopic Liver Surgery Survey.

HPB (Oxford). 2017 Sep 29. pii: S1365-182X(17)30926-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2017.08.028. [Epub ahead of print]


The Southampton Consensus Guidelines for Laparoscopic Liver Surgery: From Indication to Implementation.

Abu Hilal M, Aldrighetti L, Dagher I, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Alikhanov R, Aroori S, Belli G, Besselink M, Briceno J, Gayet B, D'Hondt M, Lesurtel M, Menon K, Lodge P, Rotellar F, Santoyo J, Scatton O, Soubrane O, Sutcliffe R, Van Dam R, White S, Halls MC, Cipriani F, Van der Poel M, Ciria R, Barkhatov L, Gomez-Luque Y, Ocana-Garcia S, Cook A, Buell J, Clavien PA, Dervenis C, Fusai G, Geller D, Lang H, Primrose J, Taylor M, Van Gulik T, Wakabayashi G, Asbun H, Cherqui D.

Ann Surg. 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002524. [Epub ahead of print]


Laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy (LRPS): surgical techniques and clinical outcomes.

Siddiqi NN, Abuawwad M, Halls M, Rawashdeh A, Giovinazzo F, Aljaiuossi A, Wicherts D, D'Hondt M, Hilal MA.

Surg Endosc. 2017 Nov 3. doi: 10.1007/s00464-017-5958-2. [Epub ahead of print]



Laparoscopic parenchymal preserving liver resections for colorectal liver metastases in the era of highly effective systemic therapy and selective internal radiation therapy can often prevent a hemihepatectomy. (With video).

D'Hondt M, Ververken F, Nuytens F.

Surg Oncol. 2017 Dec;26(4):345-346. doi: 10.1016/j.suronc.2017.07.009. Epub 2017 Jul 22


The Effectiveness of a Clinical Pathway in Liver Surgery: a Case-Control Study.

Ovaere S, Boscart I, Parmentier I, Steelant PJ, Gabriel T, Allewaert J, Pottel H, Vansteenkiste F, D'Hondt M.

J Gastrointest Surg. 2017 Dec 22. doi: 10.1007/s11605-017-3653-1. [Epub ahead of print]


Response: "Conversion During Laparoscopic Liver Resections: a Step Forward".

Halls MC, Cipriani F, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Hilal MA.

Ann Surg. 2018 Feb 2. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002690. [Epub ahead of print]


Achieving high quality standards in laparoscopic colon resection for cancer: A Delphi consensus-based position paper.

Lorenzon L, Biondi A, Carus T, Dziki A, Espin E, Figueiredo N, Ruiz MG, Mersich T, Montroni I, Tanis PJ; MISiCOL Task Force, Benz SR, Bianchi PP, Biebl M, Broeders I, De Luca R, Delrio P, D'Hondt M, Fürst A, Grosek J, Guimaraes Videira JF, Herbst F, Jayne D, Lázár G, Miskovic D, Muratore A, Helmer Sjo O, Scheinin T, Tomazic A, Türler A, Van de Velde C, Wexner SD, Wullstein C, Zegarski W, D'Ugo D.

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018 Feb 5. pii: S0748-7983(18)30128-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2018.01.091. [Epub ahead of print]


State of the art: Laparoscopische leverchirurgie voor hepatocellulaire carcinomen en colorectale levermetastasen

Van Mol P, Verbist C, Verstraete L, Vansteenkiste F, D’Hondt M

Tijdschr. voor Geneeskunde, 74, nr. 3, 2018 doi: 10.2143/TVG.74.03.2002517


Perioperative radiotherapy is an independent risk factor for major LARS: a cross-sectional observational study.

Nuytens F, Develtere D, Sergeant G, Parmentier I, D'Hoore A, D'Hondt M.

Int J Colorectal Dis. 2018 Apr 26. doi: 10.1007/s00384-018-3043-5. [Epub ahead of print]


Development and validation of a difficulty score to predict intraoperative complications during laparoscopic liver resection.

Halls MC, Berardi G, Cipriani F, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Harris S, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M.

Br J Surg. 2018 May 8. doi: 10.1002/bjs.10821. [Epub ahead of print]


Outcomes After Minimally-invasive Versus Open Pancreatoduodenectomy: A Pan-European Propensity Score Matched Study.

Klompmaker S, van Hilst J, Wellner UF, Busch OR, Coratti A, D'Hondt M, Dokmak S, Festen S, Kerem M, Khatkov I, Lips DJ, Lombardo C, Luyer M, Manzoni A, Molenaar IQ, Rosso E, Saint-Marc O, Vansteenkiste F, Wittel UA, Bonsing B, Groot Koerkamp B, Abu Hilal M, Fuks D, Poves I, Keck T, Boggi U, Besselink MG; European consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS).

Ann Surg. 2018 Jun 1. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002850. [Epub ahead of print]


Laparoscopic combined resection of liver metastases and colorectal cancer: a multicenter, case-matched study using propensity scores.

van der Poel MJ, Tanis PJ, Marsman HA, Rijken AM, Gertsen EC, Ovaere S, Gerhards MF, Besselink MG, D'Hondt M, Gobardhan PD

Surg Endosc. 2018 Aug 1. doi: 10.1007/s00464-018-6371-1. [Epub ahead of print]


A Comparison of the Learning Curves of Laparoscopic Liver Surgeons in Differing Stages of the IDEAL Paradigm of Surgical Innovation: Standing on the Shoulders of Pioneers.

Halls MC, Alseidi A, Berardi G, Cipriani F, Van der Poel M, Davila D, Ciria R, Besselink M, D'Hondt M, Dagher I, Alrdrighetti L, Troisi RI, Abu Hilal M.

Ann Surg. 2018 Aug 3. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002996. [Epub ahead of print


Foreign body granuloma reaction following SIRT mimicking peritoneal metastases: a word of caution.

Willems E, Smet B, Dedeurwaerdere F, D'Hondt M.

Acta Chir Belg. 2018 Aug 9:1-3. doi: 10.1080/00015458.2018.1494969. [Epub ahead of print]


Ruminococcus gnavus bacteremia associated with fecal peritonitis secondary to small bowel perforation.

Struyve M, De Vloo C, Lefever S, Boudewijns M, De Bel A, D'Hondt M, Del Carmen Alegret Pampols M, Van Moerkercke W, Van den Bossche D.

Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2018 Jul-Sep;81(3):451-452.


Laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy: single-center experience and technical aspects.

D'Hondt M, Ovaere S, Knol J, Vandeputte M, Parmentier I, De Meyere C, Vansteenkiste F, Besselink M, Pottel H, Verslype C.

Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2019 Feb;404(1):21-29. doi: 10.1007/s00423-018-1731-9. Epub 2018 Nov 21


Multicentre propensity score-matched study of laparoscopic versus open repeat liver resection for colorectal liver metastases.

van der Poel MJ, Barkhatov L, Fuks D, Berardi G, Cipriani F, Aljaiuossi A, Lainas P, Dagher I, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Besselink MG, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Gayet B, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M.

Br J Surg. 2019 Feb 1. doi: 10.1002/bjs.11096. [Epub ahead of print]


Updated Alternative Fistula Risk Score (ua-FRS) to Include Minimally Invasive Pancreatoduodenectomy: Pan-European Validation.

Mungroop TH, Klompmaker S, Wellner UF, Steyerberg EW, Coratti A, D'Hondt M, de Pastena M, Dokmak S, Khatov I, Saint-Marc O, Wittel U, Abu Hilal M, Fuks D, Poves I, Keck T, Boggi U, Besselink MG; European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS).

Ann Surg. 2019 Feb 13. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003234. [Epub ahead of print]


Adverse effects of bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer : a case report and literature review.

Willems E, Gerne L, George C, D'Hondt M.

Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2019 Apr-Jun;82(2):322-325. Review


Pure laparoscopic versus open hemihepatectomy: a critical assessment and realistic expectations - a propensity score-based analysis of right and left hemihepatectomies from nine European tertiary referral centers.

Cipriani F, Alzoubi M, Fuks D, Ratti F, Kawai T, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Van der Poel M, Faoury M, Besselink MG, D'Hondt M, Dagher I, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Scatton O, Gayet B, Aldrighetti L, Abu Hilal M.

J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2019 Aug 16. doi: 10.1002/jhbp.662. [Epub ahead of print]


Closure of mesenteric defects is associated with a higher incidence of small bowel obstruction due to adhesions after laparoscopic antecolic Roux-en-y gastric bypass: A retrospective cohort study.

Nuytens F, D'Hondt M, Van Rooy F, Vansteenkiste F, Pottel H, Abasbassi M, Servaege A, Devriendt D.

Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 19;71:149-155. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2019.09.017. [Epub ahead of print]


Laparoscopic liver resection for liver tumours in proximity to major

vasculature: A single-center comparative study

M D'Hondt, E Willems, I Parmentier, H Pottel, C De Meyere, F Vansteenkiste, M Besselink, C Verslype

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020 Apr;46(4 Pt A):539-547. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2019.10.017. Epub 2019 Oct 16.


Stepwise implementation of laparoscopic pancreatic surgery. Case series of a single centre's experience.

Vandeputte M, D'Hondt M, Willems E, De Meyere C, Parmentier I, Vansteenkiste F.

Int J Surg. 2019 Dec;72:137-143. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2019.10.037. Epub 2019 Nov 5


Laparoscopic liver resection for colorectal liver metastases: perspectives from patients.

Willems, E, D'Hondt M.

Laparoscopic Surgery. 3. 32-32. 10.21037/ls.2019.07.09. 


Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy -a controversial treatment for bile duct and gallbladder cancer from a European perspective.

D'Souza MA, Valdimarsson VT, Campagnaro T, Cauchy F, Chatzizacharias NA, D'Hondt M, Dasari B, Ferrero A, Franken LC, Fusai G, Guglielmi A, Hagendoorn J, Hidalgo Salinas C, Hoogwater FJH, Jorba R, Karanjia N, Knoefel WT, Kron P, Lahiri R, Langella S, Le Roy B, Lehwald-Tywuschik N, Lesurtel M, Li J, Lodge JPA, Martinou E, Molenaar IQ, Nikov A, Poves I, Rassam F, Russolillo N, Soubrane O, Stättner S, van Dam RM, van Gulik TM, Serrablo A, Gallagher TM, Sturesson C; E-AHPBA scientific and research committee.

HPB (Oxford). 2019 Dec 30:S1365-182X(19)33224-1. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2019.12.008. Online ahead of print.


Impact of resection margins for colorectal liver metastases in laparoscopic and open liver resection: a propensity score analysis.

Martínez-Cecilia D, Wicherts DA, Cipriani F, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Abu Hilal 

Surg Endosc. 2020 Feb 27. doi: 10.1007/s00464-020-07452-4. Online ahead of print.


A Multicenter Cohort Analysis of Laparoscopic Hepatic Caudate Lobe Resection

M CappelleD L AghayanM J van der PoelM G BesselinkG SergeantB EdwinI Parmentier C De Meyere , F VansteenkisteM D'Hondt

Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2020 Mar;405(2):181-189.doi: 10.1007/s00423-020-01867-2


Reply to: Is there a place for microwave ablation under Pringle maneuver for perivascular colorectal liver metastases?: Response to " Laparoscopic liver resection for liver tumours in proximity to major vasculature: A single-center comparative study".

Willems E, D'Hondt M.Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020 Sep;46(9):1768-1769. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2020.06.027. Epub 2020 Jun 23


Laparoscopic Liver Resections for Tumors in the Posterosuperior Segments: A Single-center Experience of 174 Consecutive Cases.

Kirmizi S, De Meyere C, Parmentier I, D'Hondt M.Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2020 Aug 5. doi: 10.1097/SLE.0000000000000840. Online ahead of print.


Risk Factors of Positive Resection Margin in Laparoscopic and Open Liver Surgery for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A New Perspective in the Perioperative Assessment: A European Multicenter Study.

Benedetti Cacciaguerra A, Görgec B, Cipriani F, Aghayan D, Borelli G, Aljaiuossi A, Dagher I, Gayet B, Fuks D, Rotellar F, D'Hondt M, Vanlander A, Troisi RI, Vivarelli M, Edwin B, Aldrighetti L, Abu Hilal M.Ann Surg. 2020 Jul 9. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000004077. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32657916


International multicenter propensity score matched study on laparoscopic versus open left lateral sectionectomy.

van der Poel MJ, Fichtinger RS, Gorgec B, Rawashdeh A, Tanis PJ, Busch OR, van Gulik TM, Verhoef C, de Boer MT, D'Hondt M, Hilal MA, Terkivatan T, van Dam RM, Besselink MG.HPB (Oxford). 2020 Oct 7:S1365-182X(20)31149-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2020.09.006. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33039275



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