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Wetenschappelijke presentaties


What is the role of intra-operative ultrasound in the detection of hepatic lesions in the era of modern preoperative imaging?

Plenary session

Laproscopic distal pancreatectomy, a single centre experience

Poster session

Presentation at 11th annual meeting – American Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, Miami Beach, FL, USA



Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as a single-stage procedure for the treatment of morbid obesity: quality of life, resolution of comorbidities, food tolerance and 6-year results for weight loss.

Belgian Surgical Week, Ostend, Belgium



Treatment of the Open Abdomen

KCI Consensus meeting, Montreal, Canada



‘Blind' laparoscopic major hepatectomy for liver metastases from breast cancer: a case of complete pathologic response.
Mathieu D'Hondt, Dirk Devriendt, Frank Van Rooy, Franky Vansteenkiste

Poster presentation at the 10th congres of the European-African Hepato Pacreato Biliary Association, Belgrade, Serbia



Transanal Endoscopic Operation (TEO) for benign rectal lesions and low-risk T1 carcinoma: multicenter results.

9th  scientific and annual meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology, Barcelona, Spain.


May 2014

Optimal sequencing of colorectal surgery, liver resection and perioperative chemo(radio)therapy in patients with synchronous colorectal liver metastases. A patient tailored approach.

E. Yoshihara, M. D’Hondt

BAST session – Belgian Surgical Week, May 2014



Using Negative Pressure Therapy for total management of the open abdomen; a practical guide based on a review of the literature

Huysentruyt F, Berrevoet F, D’Hondt M, Fattori L, Kafka-Ritsch R, Mai P, Miserez M, Petersson U, Windsor A

European Hernia Society Congress, Edinburgh Schotland, May 28-31 2014



Using the waiting interval after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for liver resection of synchronic metastases from rectal cancer: a valuable option?

M D’Hondt, E Yoshihara, F Vansteenkiste, J Knol, G Vangertruyden, G Sergeant

14 november 2014;

HPB SurG Meeting 2014, Lyon, France



Transanal Endoscopic Operation (TEO) for benign rectal lesions and low-risk T1 carcinoma: multicenter results: a Belgian multicenter experience

E Yoshihara, H Pottel, L Dedrye, K Vindevoghel, M D’Hondt

Belgian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Symposium, Belgian Week of Gastro-Enterology, February 26th 2015, Brussels



Comparative Analysis of Laparoscopic Liver Resections of the Posterosuperior Segments in Semiprone Position
vs Laparoscopic Left Lateral Sectionectomy in Supine Position. Do we need to redefine the definition of a major laparoscopic liver resection?

M. D’Hondt, E. Yoshihara, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, H. Pottel

AHPBA - Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association - Annual Meeting, 11-15 March 2015, Miami, FL, USA



Central venous pressure drop after blood salvage is a strong independent predictor of intraoperative blood loss during liver resection

M. D’Hondt, M. Clarysse, E. Yoshihara, G. Sergeant, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy,F. Vansteenkiste, I. Parmentier

E-AHPBA - European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association – Congress, 21- 24 April 2015, Manchester, UK


Laparoscopic parenchymal preserving  hepatic resections in the posterosuperior segments in semiprone position. Comparative analysis with  laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy in supine position.

M. D’Hondt, E. Yoshihara, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, H. Pottel

E-AHPBA - European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association – Congress, 21- 24 April 2015, Manchester, UK


Laparoscopic parenchyma-preserving liver resections using the Enseal G2 articulating sealing device. Video presentation.

M. D’Hondt, E. Yoshihara, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, D. Devriendt

E-AHPBA - European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association – Congress, 21- 24 April 2015, Manchester, UK


The waiting interval after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for liver resection of synchronic metastases from rectal cancer: a valuable option?

M. D’Hondt, E. Yoshihara, F. Vansteenkiste, E. Deleus, J. Knol, G. Vangertruyden,G. Sergeant

E-AHPBA - European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association – Congress, 21- 24 April 2015, Manchester, UK




Totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair using a self-expanding nitinol framed hernia repair device: preliminary results of a prospective pilot study.

E. Yoshihara, H. Pottel, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, D. Devriendt, M. D’Hondt

First World Conference on Abdominal Wall Hernia Surgery, 25-29 April 2015, Milan, Italy



The waiting interval after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for liver resection of

synchronic metastases from rectal cancer: a valuable option?

M. D’Hondt, E. Yoshihara, F. Vansteenkiste, E. Deleus, J. Knol, G. Vangertruyden,G. Sergeant

16th Belgian Surgical Week, 7-9 May 2015, Ghent, Belgium


Central venous pressure drop after blood salvage is a strong independent predictor

of intraoperative blood loss during liver resection

M. D’Hondt, M. Clarysse, E. Yoshihara, G. Sergeant, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, I. Parmentier

16th Belgian Surgical Week, 7-9 May 2015, Ghent, Belgium


Laparoscopic resection of rectal cancer does not result in lower low anterior

resection syndrome (LARS) scores

M. D’Hondt, D. Develtere, F. Nuytens, G. Sergeant, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy,F. Vansteenkiste, I. Parmentier

16th Belgian Surgical Week, 7-9 May 2015, Ghent, Belgium


Transanal endoscopic operation for benign rectal lesions and low-risk T1 carcinoma:

a multicentric study

Ch. Van Praet, E. Yoshihara, M. D’Hondt, L. Dedrye, H. Pottel2, K. Vindevoghel

16th Belgian Surgical Week, 7-9 May 2015, Ghent, Belgium



Combined minimal invasive transdiaphragmatic resection of peripheral colorectal lung metastases in patients undergoing laparoscopic liver resection. Video presentation – Competitive video session.

M. D'Hondt, F. Vansteenkiste, P. Lerut

Total laparoscopic pancreticoduodenectomy - Initial experience in a Belgian non-academic supraregional hospital. Poster presentation.

F. Vansteenkiste, L. Kinget, M. D’Hondt


Laparoscopic parenchyma-preserving liver resections using the Enseal G2 articulating sealing device. Video presentation.

M. D’Hondt, E. Yoshihara, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, D. Devriendt


Pure Laparoscopic Liver Resections in the Posterosuperior Segments in Semiprone Position. Single Center Experience and Analysis of Learning Curve. Poster presentation.

M. D'Hondt, E. Yoshihara, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy, F. Vansteenkiste, I. Parmentier


12th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA), Brazil, Sao Paulo, 20 - 23 April 2016



Update on laparoscopic liver resection for colorectal liver metastases.

M. D’Hondt


Masterclass Multidisciplinary Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases.

Vienna 12-13 May 2016.



Pancreas: Laparoscopic & robotic approach: current status


16th Postgraduate course of the Belgian Section for Hepato-Biliary and

Pancreatic Surgery (BSHBPS)

Mechelen, Belgium



How I do a laparoscopic resection in the posterosuperior segments


Advanced laparoscopic liver (ALLIVER) masterclass.

Ghent, Belgium



Presentation of guideline on two stage laparoscopic liver resection.


European Guidelines Meeting on Laparoscopic Liver Surgery, Southampton, UK



Laparoscopic versus open parenchymal preserving liver resections in the posterosuperior segments: a case matched study

M. D’Hondt, E. Tamby, I. Boscart, S. Turcotte, I. Parmentier, H. Pottel, R. Lapointe, S. Ovaere, F. Vansteenkiste, F. Vandenbroucke-Menu



Simultaneous laparoscopic colorectal and hepatic resection for patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases: a multicenter, retrospective study

M.J. van der Poel, P.J. Tanis, A Rijken, E Gertsen, M.F. Gerhards, M.G. Besselink,

M. D’Hondt, P.D. Gobardhan


The effectiveness of a clinical pathway in laparoscopic liver surgery: a case control study. Poster Presentation.

S. Ovaere, I. Parmentier, I. Boscart, H. Pottel, M. D’Hondt


Laparoscopic right anterior an right posterior sectionectomy – a standardized approach video presentation.

S. Ovaere, F. Ververken, M. D’Hondt


Combined Laparoscopic Transdiaphragmatic Resections of Right Sided Colorectal Lung Metastases in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Liver Resection in the Posterosuperior Segments.

E. Willems, P. Lerut, M. D’Hondt


Laparoscopic Hepato-Pancreatectomy for Metastatic Glucagonoma. Video presentation.

F. Ververken, F. Vansteenkiste, M. D’Hondt


World Congress of the International Laparoscopic Liver Society. Paris, France



20-23/06 2018

Laparoscopic liver resection for tumors in proximity to major vasculature and the impact of neo-adjuvant systemic therapy

D’Hondt M, Willems E, Parmentier I, Pottel H, Verslype C, De Meyere C, Vansteenkiste F, Beselink M


ESMO World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 2018, Barcelona, Spain


4-7/09 2018

Laparoscopic Right Posterior Sectionectomy in Semiprone Position and Using the Glissonean Approach: Technical Aspects and Single-center Results

M. D'Hondt, M. Vandeputte, I. Parmentier, S. Ovaere


Short term and oncologic outcomes of the first 250 laparoscopic liver resections performed by a laparoscopically trained liver surgeon

M. D'Hondt, E. Willems, I. Parmentier, H. Pottel, C. Verslype, C. De Meyere, F. Vansteenkiste


Pure Laparoscopic Liver Resections in the Posterosuperior Segments in Semiprone Position: a Single Surgeon Experience of 111 Consecutive Cases

M. D'Hondt, E. Willems, I. Parmentier, H. Pottel, C. Verslype, C. De Meyere, F. Vansteenkiste



Laparoscopic liver resection for liver tumors in proximity to major vasculature: a comparative study



E. Willems, M. D'Hondt, I. Parmentier, H. Pottel, C. Verslype, C. De Meyere, F. Vansteenkiste



Laparoscopic long sleeve pancreaticogastrostomy: a pancreas sparing alternative for distal pancreatectomy

M. Cappelle, E. Willems, F. Vansteenkiste, M. D'Hondt


Laparoscopic radical resection for type II perihilar cholangiocarcinoma

M. Cappelle, M. D'Hondt


Technical aspects for laparoscopic liver resections of tumors in proximity to major vessels.

M. D'Hondt, E. Willems


13th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA) , Geneva, Switzerland


9-11/05 2019

BSHBPS session:

Laparoscopic hepatectomy at any price? Parenchymal preserving hepatectomy at any price?

M. D’Hondt.


Analysis of the first one hundred minimally invasive pancreatic resections in a large supraregional Belgian centre

Vandeputte, C. De Meyere, I. Parmentier, F. Vansteenkiste, M. D’Hondt


Learning curve in laparoscopic liver surgery: a single-surgeon risk-adjusted CUSUM analysis for postoperative complications of the first 320 laparoscopic liver resections.

Edward Willems, Mathieu D'Hondt, Isabelle Parementier, Chris Verslype, Celine De Meyere, Franky Vansteenkiste, Marc Besselink and Hans Pottel


Predicting intra-operative outcomes in laparoscopic liver surgery using validated difficulty scores? Statistical analysis in 320 laparoscopic liver resections

Edward Willems, Mathieu D'Hondt, Isabelle Parementier, Chris Verslype, Celine De Meyere, Franky Vansteenkiste, Marc Besselink and Hans Pottel


20th Belgian Surgical Week, 9-11 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium


2-5/06 2019

One stage laparoscopic parenchymal sparing liver resection for bilobar colorectal liver metastases: safety, recurrence patterns and oncological outcomes.

M. D’Hondt, Z. Pironet, I. Parmentier, C. De Meyere, M. Besselink, H. Pottel, F. Vansteenkiste, C. Verslype


Pure laparoscopic versus open hemihepatectomy: a critical assessment and realistic expectations - a propensity score-based analysis of right and left hemihepatectomies from nine European tertiary referral centers.

Cipriani F, Alzoubi M, Fuks D, Ratti F, Kawai T, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Van der Poel M, Faoury M, Besselink MG, D'Hondt M, Dagher I, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Scatton O, Gayet B, Aldrighetti L, Abu Hilal M


Laparoscopic versus open right posterior sectionectomy: a multicenter propensity score evaluation.

N. Van der Heijde, M Abu Hilal, M Besselink, L Aldrighetti, F Rati, A Vanlander, M D’Hondt


Learning Curve in Laparoscopic Liver Surgery: a Single-Surgeon Risk-Adjusted CUSUM Analysis for Postoperative Complications of the First 320 Laparoscopic Liver Resections

Edward Willems, Mathieu D'Hondt, Isabelle Parementier, Chris Verslype, Celine De Meyere, Franky Vansteenkiste, Marc Besselink and Hans Pottel


E-AHPBA - European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association – Congress, 02-05- June 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands



Progress in liver surgery

M. D’Hondt

Multidisciplinary Symposium Digestive Oncology, Mechelen, Belgium

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